How To Know If Your Wisdom Teeth Are Coming In
One of the most common questions we get about oral health is how to know when your wisdom teeth are coming in and whether they need to be removed. There are a few factors that contribute to this, but make sure to read on to find out more about the signs of your wisdom teeth growing through and when you should book in to see a trusted dentist.
Signs that your wisdom teeth are growing
Wisdom teeth grow through in the same way as normal teeth do when you are young – they push up through your gums. This process can be painful and irritating, but it helps to understand the signs for peace of mind that the troubles you are experiencing are due to the natural process of your wisdom teeth coming through rather than something more serious.
One of the main signs is that your gums start to swell in the area behind your second molars – this is where the wisdom teeth will grow. As they start to push through, you may experience jaw pain as well as tender or possibly even bleeding gums. As well as this, you might have trouble opening your mouth wide, get a bad taste in your mouth or notice that you start to have bad breath.
Do all wisdom teeth need to be removed?
It is a myth that all wisdom teeth need to be removed. While this stems from the fact that there can be more problems associated with wisdom teeth than the rest, it is possible for them to grow properly and without too much discomfort. Unless your wisdom teeth are impacted, they cause damage to nearby teeth or you experience regular infections, your dentist won’t advise you have them removed.
What problems can occur with wisdom teeth?
One of the most common problems people experience is impaction. Since wisdom teeth don’t come through until your late teenage years or early twenties, your other teeth are already comfortably in place. This means it is not uncommon for wisdom teeth to get stuck or come through at an odd angle due to the lack of space in the mouth. This in itself isn’t a problem, but it can lead to complications such as plaque build-up or food and bacteria getting stuck around the tooth. If this happens, you may need to have them removed.
This is the same for the other common problem with wisdom teeth, which is when they have partially erupted. This is the term used to describe wisdom teeth that do not fully emerge or impacted wisdom teeth that stay stuck inside the gums and jawbone. Similarly, this in itself isn’t a problem and they can be left as they are, but if they start to cause pain or other problems like bacteria build-up or infections, you will definitely need to get them removed.
What to do next
If you think your wisdom teeth are starting to come through, there’s no need to worry. It might benefit you to keep an eye on the progress of the tooth so that you can spot any problems or if it becomes impacted. If you experience an excessive amount of pain, make sure to head to a dentist who can properly diagnose and treat you.
If you’re worried about your wisdom teeth or any other dental concern, make sure you get in contact with Perfect Teeth in Cairns with any questions or book an appointment with our team. We offer a huge range of dental services to help protect your smile and oral health.